Road filming in the Community of Madrid is possible with the corresponding authorisation from the administration in charge of managing the road.
The Community of Madrid has 2568.51 kilometres of roads in the regional network, divided into three types of roads corresponding to the main, secondary and local networks.
The Community of Madrid has jurisdiction over all M-roads with three digits. All roads are duly signposted with the letter M and in three colours depending on their classification: orange (main), green (secondary) and yellow (local).
Any application to film on these roads must be made in writing and submitted to the Community of Madrid registry (see Procedure section).
Radial motorways (A-1, A-2, A-3, A-4, A-5, A-6) and access and ring roads (all M-motorways with two digits, with the exception of the M-30 and M-45), are part of the State Road Network, managed by the General Directorate of Roads of the Ministry of Public Works and Transport.
The Community of Madrid owns the M-45 ring road which runs from the Madrid district of Carabanchel to the municipality of San Fernando de Henares, connecting five national roads.
Madrid City Council is directly responsible for the M-30 ring road, including the ring of tunnels and junctions on the southern section. Its operation, conservation and maintenance is the responsibility of Calle 30 , a company attached to the Madrid City Council's Environment and Mobility Department.
The procedure to request filming on roads managed by the Community of Madrid consists of an initial authorisation step by the Spanish Regional Department of Transport, Mobility and Infrastructures to authorise use of the road, and a request to the Spanish Directorate General of Traffic to coordinate and supervise the authorised filming.
The first step for authorisation purposes is to apply for the corresponding permit from the Spanish Regional Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Infrastructures. The General Directorate of Roads of the Regional Ministry will be responsible for receiving the application, either online or in person at any Community of Madrid registry office.
It is advisable to have all the documentation to be submitted with the application (plans, dossier, information on the planned cuts, etc.). This application should be sent as soon as possible, with a recommended time to commence the process as of 1 month prior to the scheduled filming date, given the high volume of activity that the Department of Transport, Mobility and Infrastructures has to deal with.
In the event that the road is related to a municipal ownership, it is advisable to inform the corresponding local council of the application to be made.
The application addressed to the Community of Madrid Directorate General of Roads (Department of Transport, Mobility and Infrastructures) can be made by means of the procedure for the Authorisation of works, installations and accesses in the public domain and protection zones of regional roads. .
What do I need to be able to use e-Government services? Consult the Processing Guide
The authorisation issued by the Community of Madrid Directorate General for Roads only authorises use of the road under the conditions stipulated in the permit. In order to coordinate filming, as well as to limit its incidence, it is necessary to contact the Directorate General for Traffic, which will be in charge of supervision.
The Directorate General for Traffic is a Spanish Government body under the Spanish Home Office and responsible for implementing road policy on state-owned roads. This is why, as it is responsible for regulation of the road, it articulates shooting once the Spanish Regional Ministry, as the managing body, has issued its authorisation.
Any application, written request or communication addressed to the Directorate General of Traffic can be submitted by means of its electronic headquarters on the application page for audiovisual filming.
Attach the documentation requested for the specific procedure you wish to carry out and select the Provincial Headquarters, Local Headquarters or Local Traffic Office where you wish to submit the application.
It is recommended not to wait for the authorisation from the Community of Madrid to commence the procedure with the DGT, but to start both procedures in parallel.