Filming with animals
Current legislation prohibits the use of animals if:
- They are used in certain public performances or any other activity in which where may be mocked.
- The physical integrity of the animal maybe threatened.
- They may offend the sensitivity of people watching them.
In Spain there are companies with extensive experience dedicated to providing animals of all kinds for film and television shoots that comply with all the legal requirements to carry out their activities.
According to Law 4/2016, of 22 July, on the Protection of Companion Animals of the Community of Madrid , in order to film with animals it is necessary to provide:
- The updated identification and health documentation of the animal.
- The animal liability insurance.
- The authorisation for the participation of animals in events and filming issued from the relevant city council.
In addition to the above regulations, the producer must have the corresponding authorisations for the importation of the animals if they come from outside Spain:
- If the animals come from the EU, the authorisations are issued in the corresponding Autonomous Community and must pass a veterinary control.
- If the animals originate from outside the EU, authorisation must be sought from the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Food and the Environment, which has the power to quarantine them if necessary.
If needed, the authorisation for the transport of live animals can be obtained from the
Directorate General for Agriculture and Livestock Farming of the Community of Madrid .