Municipal buildings and monuments
When applying for an additional licence for the occupation of monuments or municipal buildings, the following principles should be followed:
The filming of products which are not aligned or compatible with the historical and/or artistic nature of the monument and, where appropriate, the building, shall not be authorised.
The electrical installation or any other infrastructure of the monument or building can only be handled by, or at least under the supervision of, the technical staff of the monument or building.
The film crew must follow any instructions given to them by the building staff and take the necessary measures to avoid any damage to its various elements. They should facilitate the inspection of the material that is brought into the building, if required to do so.
The production company must ensure that its crew behaves in a respectful manner in the building. Crew members must wear their identification badge at all times.
The credits must include the collaboration of the building Management.
Filming in buildings that are subject to the Historical Heritage Law will require the authorisation of the competent authority.