Get Her... If You Can
¡Ay, Carmen!
4 latas
5 inches
70 Big Ones
Abuelos (Grandparents)
Altamira The Birth Of Art
El Amor y la muerte. Historia de Enrique Granados (Love and Death: the Story of Enrique Granados)
Los amores cobardes
El Angel
Los Años Chanantes
Los años del humo
Notes for a heist film
The Tree of Blood
The Warning
Bailar Giselle
Under the Same Roof
El Barman de las estrellas
Bécquer and the Witches
The Good Demons
Camaron. Flamenco and Revolution
Dyke Jails
Carmen & Lola
Almost 40
Alex’s strip
The hidden city
El corazón del Teatro Real
Cortos Infinitos (Infinite Short Films)
El crucigrama de Jacob (Jacob’s Crossword)
The weasels' tale
The awakening of the ants
Double Me
Enterrados (Buried)
Errementari. The Blacksmith and The Devil
The Wandering Star
The Stuka Experiment
El final del tríptico
Gente que viene y bah (People Come and… Gah!)
Goya Siglo XXI (Goya XXI Century)
The Lunnis and the Great Fairy Tales Adventure
Growing Up
Historia antigua del Cine España (Ancient History of España Movie Theater)
The Orchestra Man. The Adventure of Catalan Musicians in America
Hollywood rueda en España 1955-1980 (Hollywood Shoots in Spain, 1955-1980)
The Influence
Inner Borderlines. Visions of America Through the Eyes of Alejandro Morales
Invertidos. La ley contra el deseo
Jaén, Virgin & Extra
Josep Renau, el arte en peligro (Josep Renau, Endangered Art)
B Side
Lady Off
Lo nunca visto
Something Lost
Battle Of The Giants
Marisa in the woods
The Best Summer Of My Life
My Masterpiece
Mylove Lost
El misterio del Padre Pío (The Mystery of Father Pio)
Dying to tell
The Spy Within
Born A King
Ni distintos ni diferentes: Campeones
A Twelve-Year Night
The Night of the Two Moons
The Objects of Love
Oh Mammy Blue
Crime Wave
Onyx, Kings of the Grail
Goya's Skull
The Pact
The Broken Country
Perdiendo el Este (Losing East)
Poetry Slam. The private life of the waves
El pomo azul (The blue doorknob)
The First Memory
Proxeneta. Paso corto, mala leche (Procurer. Short step, bad blood)
Querido Fotogramas
Quién te cantará
Quinqui Stars
Racing! Fuerza y Honor (Racing! Strength and Honor)
La realidad en pedazos (Reality in pieces)
Renzo Piano, The Architect Of Light
Resort Paraíso
The King
La Rusa
Alejandro Sanz, a Latin Star
Semillas de alegría (Seeds of joy)
You Will Be A Man
The Liquid Serpent
The Silence Of Others
Not the End
Sol(d) Out
Gun City
Taxi to Gibraltar
The Best Day Of My Life
Some Time After
Everybody Knows
The Tribe
Your Son
Tus desperdicios y otros manjares (Your waste and other delicacies)
U-Topos. No lugar. La utopía guaraní-jesuítica
La última toma
Video Blues