Beyond The Summit
- https://www.arcadiamotionpictures.com/films/la-cima/
- https://www.filmax.com/distribucion/la-cima.218
- http://filmaxinternationalsales.com/film/beyond-the-summit
Fighting fit, but with no experience of climbing big mountains, Mateo, is getting ready to try and scale Annapurna, one of the most difficult peaks on Earth. Not only is he attempting this dangerous feat in the middle of winter, but he’s also going alone, hoping to make the summit quickly and without too many problems. It’s complete madness, but for Mateo, this isn’t just about having an adventure, it’s about keeping a promise he made some time ago.
Ione has achieved everything she’s set out to do in the world of mountaineering, but that success hasn’t filtered down into her personal life, so spending the winter alone with her problems and frustrations, in a small shelter in the Himalayas, doesn’t seem like a bad plan at all.
Despite both being determined to overcome their challenges alone, fate has another plan in store for them and Mateo and Ione soon find themselves flung together by circumstance. A million miles away from home, each other’s company will turn out to be the best way to overcome the challenges that Mother Nature throws at them, as well as the no less formidable task of conquering their own personal demons.